Patent Attorneys

We support protection and utilization of your intellectual properties with full might!

Representative Partner Patent Attorney Toyohiko Nagata

Patent Attorneys

-Birthday and Education

Born in Oita Prefecture

Graduated from Nagoya City Meito High School, Aichi Prefecture

Graduated from Human Environment Course of Faculty of Human Development of Kobe University, Hyogo Prefecture

-Area of Expertise

Patent and Utility Model/Design/Trademark


Your intellectual properties literally have value of properties, but they cannot be seen, so it is necessary to protect and utilize them properly. We support you so that protection and utilization of your intellectual properties result in your actual profits.

Representative Partner Patent Attorney Hidefumi Takaki

Patent Attorneys

-Birthday and Education

Born in Kumamoto Prefecture

Graduated from Seiseiko High School, Kumamoto Prefecture

Graduated from Course of Intelligent Machine of Faculty of Engineering of Kumamoto University, Kumamoto Prefecture

Completed First Semester of Doctorate of Graduate School of Science and Technology of Kumamoto University

-Area of Expertise

Patent and Utility Model/Design/Trademark


The laws on intellectual property rights have been being modified year after year in order to respond to calling of time. Moreover, corporate strategies for their intellectual properties have been being diversified and complicated due to upgrading and globalization of technology nowadays. Our Office, an expert of intellectual property rights, analyzes this situation with multiple views and insights and then responds to it swiftly and adequately.